Monday, May 26, 2008

Time Line

4:30 p.m. -- go to friends' house for sociable meal.

5:00-8:30 -- socialize

8:30 -- depart for home

9:00 -- arrive home, check email, begin to write newspaper column

11:00 -- finish column, get ready for bed

11:45 -- actually get to sleep. Alarm set for 5:45 to calibrate water testing instruments.

2:00 a.m. -- P

3:00 a.m. -- Hear cat vomit on bed. grope for flashlight so as not to wake other human in bed. Locate vomit. Mop up. P.

4:00 a.m. -- P

5:00 a.m. -- begin to wake because of light. Not really awake because of lack of sleep.

5:20 -- get up, turn on coffee pot and YSI 556 multi-meter. Return to bed while both warm up.

6:00 -- Crawl out to begin chemically stimulating brain and calibrating YSI 556. Discover that calibration instructions are not present. Look up lengthy pdf of manual on line. Dredge brain to recall streamlined procedures.

Cats and spouse sleep peacefully.

After testing and whatever breakfast I might dig up, ride to work for the rest of the day. What's for lunch? Besides caffeine, I mean.

7:00 p.m. -- pass out. See you Tuesday.

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