Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mid February, Right on Schedule

The ants are here! The ants are here!

I would have thought that digging a 24-foot by 24-foot hole, six feet deep, would have obliterated any ant nests in the area over which we expanded the house several years ago, but that very winter we had them trying to move back in and reclaim the territory.

That was a tough winter. Construction had started in May, but various problems had delayed the job so that we found ourselves about eight months later with no kitchen counters, so no kitchen sink, and only one bathroom. We had to use the bathroom for its usual functions and as our only source of water to cook or wash dishes. And it was overrun with big, black ants.

I went into the crawl space to see if I could find a major nest, but I never even found their Ho Chi Minh Trail. We never saw a long train of ants coming and going or an ugly, restless mob of them.

They also love the dishwasher, which to this day we call the Antwasher. They appear around this time and stroll around the house until some time in May or June, when they go outside.

Only once did I find an ominous group of them trailing in and out of the structure of the house. A swarm appeared to be moving into the little doghouse roof that covers our front door. I did resort to evil chemicals then. I have my limits. Posted by Picasa

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