Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'll bet THAT made a sound

When I got home from work last Thursday I found this exploded white pine. Chunks of it had landed up to 30 yards away. Some were even on the roof.

A concentrated thunderstorm system had barrelled through in the late afternoon. Apparently it had bowled a strike at my house.

Inside, the electricity seemd to be working. Then I discovered that only certain circuit breakers had blown. One television was dead. One was maimed. The controls for the kitchen stove had been fried, so we can only use the gas burners until we get it a brain transplant. The cable modem is dead. So is the photocopier.

The well pump wasn't working, but it snapped back into action when I picked up the control cover that had blown off and pushed on the switch. I don't know if the switch is meant to pop open like that in a case like this, but it seems to work properly now. Running water is habit forming. Posted by Picasa

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