Tuesday, March 04, 2025

The USA has left the free world

 The Trump administration and their manipulators behind the scenes have succeeded in their long cherished dream of separating the United States from its alliances. The stated goal was to save money and concentrate our power at home, but the real effect will be instability and weakness.

By supporting the bullies, the Trump administration hopes to increase the wealth of the already wealthy, and expand economic opportunity for predatory capitalism and destructive strip-mining of resources. Look at how they supported the bully Netanyahu, pushing to ethnically-cleanse Gaza to make way for luxury real estate development, and now ally with Russia to trample Ukraine and steal their mineral resources.

The idiots in power and the idiots who supported them took American power and privilege for granted. They believed that they couldn't hurt it, they could only turn it to their advantage. They're too ignorant to understand that diplomacy functions on many levels and in seemingly unrelated ways. The same goes for demonstrations of power. They're obsessed with big explosions. They have no respect for, or even awareness of, the intricate balance of international relations. It's all about short term transactions with them.

You wanted representative government and you got it. Most average citizens don't understand any of that shit either. Thing is, you can admit that you don't understand it and still respect the people who do and the skill they exert to keep this ponderous mess of a country lurching generally in the right direction without bumping into anyone hard enough to start a massive conflagration.

We may not survive this. We certainly will come out in worse shape than we were in before this asinine experiment in greedy betrayal of our own citizens and our allies abroad by a regime of traitors. May the memory of them be hated forever.

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