Saturday, January 25, 2025

"Daddy's home"

Trump's highest profile supporters are likening his return to "Daddy" coming home. The implication is that now butts that deserve it will be whipped soundly.

I already theorized that the majority of supporters of the current regime were from abusive family situations. There's corporal punishment and then there's ruling by fear. Corporal punishment is debatable because it reinforces the idea of the right answer for the wrong reason, but a family ruled by fear is just a bunch of hostages.

Abused people seem to react in one of two basic ways. Either they come out of it determined never to do it to anyone else or they accept it as the norm and perpetuate it. Among the latter, they develop a pride in their ability to withstand it. It made them stronger and better people who deserve now to hold the belt rather than receive its lashes. In their worldview you toe the line or take your lumps. If you want to be the one who makes the rules and enforces them, fight your way up. Stomp on whoever will fall before you.

Reveling in the idea that an angry, abusive father has returned to punish the disobedient is the opposite of freedom. Because the supporters of this regime are themselves pretty clearly veterans of abuse, they may squeal when it is turned on them, but they will revert t0 their old roles, cowering before their capricious overlord.

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