Some people are treating this coronavirus situation like running with the bulls, or jumping off a cliff with a wing suit. It’s just another grand adventure in a world of risk.
Get a grip, people. We’re talking about routine bullshit like going to the grocery store, or putting gas in the car. If I’m going to take stupid risks with my own health and the health of others, I at least want it to be fun, like having unprotected sex for most of the 1970s. I don't want it to be from scratching my nose after touching the door handle at work.
The people facing the real risks are not grooving on it. Have you heard any doctors and nurses say that it's exaggerated?
Bravado is a coping mechanism for some people. That's fine, we all have our ways. Just respect the ways of others as we all try to get through this.
I'm trying to get my nerve up to wear a mask. It's a big step in an image-conscious society. You can maintain distance in your normal garb. You can find excuses to wear gloves in various contexts. But the mask...that's a big move. That makes it real. The weather is too warm to hide it behind a scarf, especially in a store. You'd look weird, muffled in a scarf as you scan the shelves for whatever the hoarders have left. Real casual.
Mask advocates are working on many options. I want something humorous and original. Of course nothing is original, but if I came up with it on my own it's okay if others came up with the same thing. There's no way to look like you're unconcerned when you're wearing something so unusual in our culture. It's a bold statement. You might even call it fearless.
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