Sunday, February 14, 2016

Contemplating our naval...history

When sea power demonstrated a nation's might, the frigate was a super weapon. It was designed to be so formidable, an opponent would look at it and just say, "frig it."

Famous American frigates include the USS Constitution, still afloat and docked in Boston, and the USS Constellation, in Baltimore. However, the Con series of frigates included a number of other vessels:

USS Constipation: built up and built up but never launched.

USS Conversation: used to transport diplomats around the world.

USS Conniption: had a series of short-tempered captains. White parts of the paint scheme kept turning red and purple. Destroyed by spontaneous explosion in 1837.

USS Conscription: plagued by large crews, half of whom did not want to be there and did a half-assed job.

USS Connection: always seemed to get really nice assignments. Ended up on a beach in the Caribbean.

USS Contraction: LOA 180', shortened to 150'. Spent a lot of time in berths.

USS Conflation: built from parts of two other vessels. Close sister ship to the USS Contraption.

USS Contraception: never commissioned because no seamen could get aboard.

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