Tuesday, November 09, 2004


In the war on terror we will get a lot further by opening discussions of the ethics of martyrdom than we will with all the guns and bombs at our disposal. Weapons will never win more than a temporary peace, if that.

In a conflict against martyrous foes, the martyrs always have the upper hand. They simply have to figure out how to get close to their enemies and pull the pin. The only defense is to keep anyone from getting close. There goes compassion and helpfulness, because no one will get close enough to be kind anymore.

Of course we can't become that distant. Some people are already, for fear of lesser consequences than death. A few more will join them out of concern for their lives. It's just too bad that anyone's hopeless agenda has thrown yet another hurdle in front of a society of trust and kindness. We have to be more willing than ever to die for refusing to pursue conflict. Doesn't that just suck?

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