When America resoundingly failed its second civics test since 2016, it ushered in what will probably be the most destructive American government of all time.
The fault lies only partly with the hard core of believers who somehow manage to embrace every statement without choking on the paradoxes. The real blame lies with voters who either voted for nonviable candidates or didn't vote at all.
Didn't vote at all? Really? Decided to sit this one out because you didn't like either side? You were going to show that you weren't going to settle for the lesser of two evils by sitting back and letting the greater of the evils secure complete control of the most dangerous country on earth.
Nihilism surely played a role. Scroll social media for more than a few minutes and you're bound to find someone posting longingly for a giant meteor to wipe out all life on earth, just because they themselves have decided that their own beef with life reflects the value of life itself. You want to give up? Go ahead. There are mental health counselors and compassionate bystanders waiting to tell you why you shouldn't, but ultimately the choice does rest with you. Just leave the rest of us out of your suicidal fantasies.
Political protest surely played a role. The current administration didn't slam the brakes on Israel's genocide of the Palestinians, which should have been an easy, almost instantaneous act. Yeah. The Middle East is that simple. Personally, I feel like a region steeped in war for thousands of years is a poor investment for any outsider, but here we are. The cultures that sprung from there have had nothing nice to say about each other as far back as we have written records. The equation 3X(One True God)=Bloodshed has been calculated and recalculated for more than two thousand years. It has extended far beyond the sacred dirt they all insist on owning, and dragged in other deities and their believers.
"We believe in peace and love and we're ready to kick your ass to prove it."
Christ himself, according to the story, refused to break with principle. He took the beating and the gruesome execution, and called upon God to forgive the assholes who either took part or just stood there slack-jawed and watched. Martyrdom became very fashionable for a while, until the political church realized that it was hurting attendance and income.
A life lived according to strict Christian principles would be nasty, saintly, and short. Through generations of rationalization for the sake of extending and enjoying this mortal existence, we have evolved the prosperity gospel, megachurches, and Bible Belters who embrace their firearms with loving arms, and prepare for the final battle with anyone who differs. It could start today, or it could remain a future threat for as long as anyone can profit from it.
We've already seen how an institution can lose control of dangerous elements it had been wielding as a political weapon. The Republican Party was devoured by its beast in 2015. The evolved Democratic Party, post 1960, never had such a beast at its command. Instead it has repeatedly lost control of factional elements in its untidy coalition. None of them could ever take over a party that has been focused on realistic and sustainable levels of individual liberty.
"Realistic and sustainable levels of individual liberty." See, that right there is the problem. It's not a simple "God, Guns, and General Motors" kind of slogan. It's an honest statement using long words. They're not complex and difficult words, but they don't have the punch of most right wing rhetoric. The right wing fantasy is that everyone can be heavily armed, excessively fertile, and comfortably rich if we can just get rid of all these eggheads pimping science and raising taxes to give to poor people.
Except for the fantasy of universal tax-free wealth, it's true that the collapse of civilization would free up the survivors to fight and fuck with joyous abandon. Infant mortality would jump back up to pre-vaccine-era levels, requiring plenty of replacements to ensure that a sufficient number reach adulthood. As local chieftains gathered their forces, anyone interested in a warrior's life would find plenty of employment. Ambitious types interested in being chieftains would ravage the countryside, culling the weaker players. Would anyone seize and use what was left of nuclear arsenals? Since the whole premise relies on stupidity to collapse civilization in the first place, no doubt someone would give it a shot.
No one can be sure how the conflict between science and superstition would play out. Destroying many modern conveniences would not magically restore the human species exactly to pre-industrial or early industrial parameters. We know what we know. But we're getting far ahead of ourselves anyway.
The problem with post-apocalyptic fantasies is that they tend to skip over the horrors and misery of the collapse itself. That's fine for a fictional diversion, but we're on the wrong side of that sequence. We get to experience the destruction while probably everyone alive today will be dead long before things settle into a new equilibrium.
Space explorers plan "generation ships" in which whole eras of humans will live and die before reaching a habitable planet on which to land and start messing things up again. Or maybe they never arrive. The planet turns out not to be as good as it looked from our far vantage point, or it gets destroyed by something else before the mad, inbred survivors of the generation ship crash onto it. But don't worry. By screwing up our own planet, we turn it into a generation ship. The people we create now will sire generation after generation hurtling through space, hoping to find conditions that support intelligent life.
The smog-shrouded theocracy craved by the winners of the 2024 election is only the first step toward tearing it all down. Maybe that initiative will fail. Hard to say. Elon Musk and other proponents of the destruction of earth to drive enthusiasm toward colonizing other planets want you all to hate it here, so that going there -- wherever there turns out to be -- will look like a better alternative. It's exactly the way consumer goods manufacturers of addictive technology like automobiles, computers, and phones do their best to make sure that you hate your devices just after the warranty period runs out. Ideally, you loved it up to the point that it tragically failed. So you run right out and get a new one of the same thing, even though it's just going to screw you like the last one did, when the time comes. Sounds just like a corporately owned politician.
We may have a chance to wrest back some power and hope in the midterms in 2026. We may have a chance after that to yank the steering wheel completely away from the oligarchs in 2028. But we face the full power of their media machine, far beyond mere legacy media, pounding incessantly on susceptible minds. They did a great job steering voters in this most recent election. They will only get stronger and more active going forward.
No one knows the order in which things will go bad, or how bad they'll get. The administration could start with a big jolt or just teeter and wobble for days, weeks, or months, like an armload of fragile packages falling from your arms.